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Functional Health Consulting

Enhance your health and access untapped potential by integrating ancient wisdom with modern insights

Do you struggle with

Brain Fog
Poor Memory

Chronic Sleep Issues



Skin Issues

Heartburn/Acid Reflux
Food Sensitivities

Experiencing symptoms on
a regular basis is no way to live

These are signs that your biology isn't getting what it needs

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Elevate Your Wellbeing: Beyond Health Coaching

Imagine your body brimming with energy, harnessing your biology’s full power—unlocking dormant insights and unexplored possibility. Discover opportunities to access your untapped potential.
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

– Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Key to Health Optimization

Life thrives on energy. When well-energized, your body efficiently handles essential tasks. Without energy, many tasks go undone. Many people wouldn’t call themselves sick yet they experience some lack of vitality, resulting in a subtle sense of distress.

Sufficient energy makes it easier to be kind to ourselves and others. In low energy states, thoughts and emotions are harder to control, causing frustration and moodiness. This is one of the primary use cases for Functional Medicine and Biohacking. 

Optimize your energy for peak performance

Having enough energy allows your body to clear out old cells, manage anti-aging processes, and gives you more time for family, friends, and passions—that is the essence of health optimization.

Revolutionizing Health 

Conventional Approach 

Disease Oriented

Doctor Centered

Everyone Treated the Same

Diagnosis Based on Symptoms

Early Treatment of Disease

Reactive Approach

Specialized - Isolates Biological Systems

Functional Medicine
Health Oriented
Patient Centered
Considers Biochemical Individuality
Looks at Underlying Causes of Disease
Early prevention of Disease
Preventative Approach
Holistic - Includes All Biological Systems 
“The future is already here.
It’s just not evenly distributed.”

– William Gibson


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Enhance Overall Wellbeing

Elevate health, mindset, strength, creativity, productivity, empathy, and purpose by activating your body's innate vitality.

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Resolve Health Mysteries

Our goal is to end uncertainty regarding your health issues and provide comprehensive solutions, restoring optimal function.

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End the Cycle of Trial and Error

Break the cycle with 'D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success'. Our program offers game-changing testing, deep analysis, and solutions for personalized well-being.

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Confidence in Expert Guidance

Trust a skilled health detective to comprehensively assess your health. Our approach aims to harmonize all systems, addressing underlying issues.

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Unleash Your Innate Potential

Unlock your body's potential for thriving, not just surviving. Tackle weak links, infections, stress, and toxins hindering vitality. 

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Enhance Your Brain's Capabilities

Unlock your brain's full potential with testing, analysis, and protocols. Experience brighter moods, better relationships, and realize your fullest potential.


"In just 3 months, there's been a complete turnaround in my life. The relief of not dealing with daily symptoms I had for years is incredible. Your game plan and tools have truly made all the difference."

- Brian, Maintenance Professional

"Before I started working with you, I was a mess – too thin, anxious, and sleep-deprived. In just 3 months, your guidance transformed my life. I'm sleeping better, gaining weight, and feeling calmer. I can handle stress and anxiety so much better now.”

- Dawn, Fitness Trainer

"Initially, I battled fiery body pain, persistent muscle tension, and chronic headaches. With your insight, one of the hidden stressors we uncovered and addressed was mold exposure, a significant underlying issue. My sleep has improved, my mind is calmer, and I feel significantly less pain. I can't recall the last time I had a headache. Thank you for transforming my well-being!"

- Michelle, Healing Practitioner

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Meet Mark Reynolds FDN-P

Mark is a distinguished health consultant and wellness innovator known for guiding individuals toward optimal health. As a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P), he has received specialized training that thoroughly delves into supporting optimal health at a fundamental level. Mark's goal is to identify and address hidden stressors that inhibit crucial opportunities for healing.


Through a decade of personal health challenges, Mark decided to take full control of his well-being. Investigating the complex fabric of human biology, mindset, and trauma, he has curated a toolkit of blueprints and systems that facilitate optimal health.


Mark's approach has been refined under the guidance of renowned Functional Medicine Doctors, Holistic health professionals, and innovative biohackers. Mark’s approach has established him as a successful guide in the realm of holistic well-being, dedicated to supporting individuals toward a healthier and more fulfilling life.

This isn't just a profession: it's a calling to defy odds and provide a blueprint for resilience, restoration, and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

Personalized Wellness Solutions

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In my unique approach, I run specialized labs, skillfully interpret complex data, and create a tailored plan for you to achieve your goals. These tests eliminate guesswork, allowing me to connect the dots and identify essential healing opportunities.​​

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Intake methods that lead to solid impression forming guidance and tracking of results

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Access to proven labs plus a time honored protocol and products that help clients achieve their goals

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Investigative skills and mindset that unravels Metabolic Chaos instead of only treating test results

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Clinical correlation skills that enhance assessment accuracy and set the course for compliance

“Every adversity you face is exactly what you need to face in order to allow you to rise further up.”

Your Path to Wellness

Support Systems and Accountability

Begin optimizing with FDN’s proven "D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success" Program, incorporating bio-hacking, holistic tools, and wellness practices. Access personalized food plans, routines, protocols, and more.

Ongoing Support

Ensure progress through follow-ups, compliance checks, and lab retesting. Additional tests are ordered for deeper insights. Further investigations may result in referrals for additional needs.

Data and Test Results 
In the first session, we analyze lab findings, symptoms, and history, strategically uncovering hidden stressors and dysfunctions for insights. Together, we identify healing opportunities, create your wellness plan, and order suggested supplements.
Personalized Guidance

Your BioHorizon coaching experience upholds protocol compliance, with personalized guidance, including tailored functional nutrition and bio-hacking counseling every step of the way. 

Working together

We will boost your health with cutting-edge testing, expert analysis, protocol support, and biohacking tools—your starting point for transformative progress and reclaiming your well-being

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Discovery Call

We begin by identifying your primary health challenges and goals, discussing the support needed for an effective healing journey.

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BioHorizon Wellness Program
Intakes, Testing, and Consultation

Upon enrollment, you'll complete intake forms and receive four advanced test kits to gather information for your unique BioHorizon journey.


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Take the first step

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